MFR + yoga
Studying myofascial release (MFR) with Yoga Medicine® has been a game changer for my overall wellness. We all have areas of habitual tension or repeat injuries. I had some historical posterior hip injuries that I could never completely shift. When I started incorporating regular MFR my hips finally recovered and feel better than they have in years. I now add short MFR practises pre or post yoga and exercise, or at the end of the day to dissolve away tension and help me relax. By using MFR I have noticed a significant reduction in stiffness and feel a body wide awareness of fluid cohesion to my movement. My hope is that this simple introduction to 5 of the basic MFR regions will ignite a curiosity in you to try it and experience the change it can make to your life too.
We all strive for balance between physical strength and mobility so that we can move freely and pain free in our everyday life. To achieve this the body needs to work cohesively as a unit, rather than a collection of individual parts. This partnership needs a go-between to unite everything together. Fascia is the slimy, stringy, fluid-like substance that connects & protects the whole body. It is a flexible and strong continuous body wide web that wraps and permeates every part of the body, including our muscles. It is our internal scaffolding that gives us structure, distributes pressure to prevent wear and tear, allows glide and slide between everything inside us, communicates with the nervous system, helps the immune system fight infection, and makes fibres to repair damaged tissues. In terms of the history of anatomy the fascial system is one of the newer discoveries and the science of the fascia is constantly evolving. But it is very much a system worth taking a bit of time to consider and look after.
Fascia is made up of cells (white blood cells & fibroblasts), fibres (collagen & elastin) and a fluid ground substance (water & hyaluronic acid). The ground substance of the fascia contains a molecule called hyaluronic acid (HA). Its job is to bind to water molecules and create hydration, which is why it is the recent buzz word in the cosmetic industry. When fascia is hydrated it can carry out its ‘connect & protect’ jobs efficiently. When it becomes dehydrated there is increased friction, restricted range of movement, and increased wear and tear on the muscles and joints. The hydration of your fascia can alter with age, overuse, underuse, infection, inflammation and even something as simple as dehydration.
Myofascial release, or MFR, is a therapeutic self massage technique that allows you to optimise this hydration and the health of your muscles and fascia as part of your self care routine. MFR uses different techniques of compression, rolling and shearing using tools such as balls, yoga bricks and foam rollers to refresh and rejuvenate the tissues. Its main uses are to release tightness and relieve pain, but when you start to use it regularly you will see how versatile it is and notice lots more reasons to keep coming back to it.
Two of the main benefits of MFR are tissue hydration and pain management. It hydrates the tissues by stimulating HA turnover in the ground substance of the fascia, producing more HA to bind to more water molecules. HA can sometimes bind to itself instead of water, causing densification and reduced function within the fascia. MFR breaks up this densification and allows the HA to bind to the water molecules instead.
The different MRF techniques also stimulate one of the nerve receptors found under the skin in the fascia which triggers our ‘rest & restore’ nervous system response in the whole body – which is why you feel lovely and relaxed after an MFR practice. It manages pain with a combination of this whole body relaxation response and by resetting pain receptors, also found in the fascia, that can sometimes get stuck in a pain detection loop.
MFR gives you a self care tool to manage and alleviate new or chronic pain and recognise your body's physical and mental needs as they arise. It is very adaptable and can be used to relax and down regulate the nervous system during the day if you are feeling stressed or tired, and in the evening to help you relax and prepare for a good night's sleep. So whether you are feeling stiff from sitting for long periods, your muscles are achy from exercise or you are simply trying to switch off after a busy day, MFR is for you.
MFR is used for both therapeutic and preventative measures for:
Muscle & fascia hydration.
Increased glide & slide.
Healthy connective tissue.
Increased mobility.
Increased circulation.
Better nervous system communication.
Rest and relaxation.
Pain management.
Better body awareness.
Reduced physical & mental tension.
Better tissue repair.
Supports immune function.
Pre exercise to help prepare the muscles.
Post exercise to help recover the muscles.
Relaxation – long or short practice + lighter: MFR down regulates the nervous system and helps you relax anytime of day. You can choose how long you'd like to practise. Use a lighter, gentle pressure to stimulate the ‘rest & restore’ nerve receptors just under the skin.
For pain management & injury recovery – shorter practice + frequently: MFR alleviates pain and speeds up injury recovery. Little and often is best, monitor your response to the treatment and adjust as needed.
Pre yoga – shorter practice + lighter: MFR before yoga increases your range of movement and can be used to warm up parts of the body you are planning on focusing on in your practice.
Post yoga – longer practice + deeper: MFR after yoga helps you relax after your practice and can be used to refresh parts of the body you have been focusing on in your practice.
Pre sports – shorter practice + lighter: MFR helps prepare the muscles for sports without compromising the strength of the muscles like an excessive pre sport stretching routine would. Roll for shorter periods with a lighter pressure.
Post sports – longer practice + deeper: MFR helps muscles recover after sports and alleviates delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Roll for longer periods and deeper.
Less is more when using MFR. If you are gritting your teeth and ignoring intense discomfort you will hinder the process and it will become counterproductive. You are looking for mild discomfort with the ability to consciously relax the muscles you are working on. Use your exhale to help relax the muscles under the balls. If you hit a tender spot that triggers your muscles to tighten, work indirectly around the area before directly. Avoid bony areas where there is very little muscle to work on and can be very uncomfortable. You will notice that different areas will be more tender than others. Adjust your applied pressure to create an even sensation throughout your practice. In areas where you roll individual sides it is good to lie down between sides to notice the difference. In areas where you do both sides at the same time, take a moment to lie down and sense the effects locally and around the whole body. You might notice the massaged area is more relaxed, less tight; more fluid, less chalkie; more free, less stiff; more neurological feedback, less disconnected.
30/60 seconds per area.
5 min a day is better than 20 min a week.
Less is more, look for mild discomfort.
Work indirectly before directly on trigger points.
Should never be painful or sharp.
Use two balls instead of one or place a blanket over the balls to reduce the intensity.
Avoid bones, joints, nerves.
Avoid inflammation, bruises, broken skin, varicose veins.
Below are the MFR techniques used in this sequence:
No.1 - Feet
Compression - from standing or seated, place 1 x ball at position No.1, gently press down with an inhale and release on the exhale x 5 breaths and move on to No.2. Continue to No.5.
Roll & cross fibre - with the toes on the ground place 1 x ball at No.5, roll the ball across your heel x 5. Place 1 x ball at No.6, roll the ball across the knuckles of your toes x 5. Place 1 x ball at No.6, roll in one direction from toes to heel x 5.
Scribble - roll and scribble across the sole of the foot. Repeat all steps on the other foot.
No.2 - Shoulders (trapezius & supraspinatus)
Compression - from supine with knees bent, place 2 x balls in the centre of each upper shoulder, gently press down with an inhale and release on the exhale x 5 breaths.
Sheer - slowly circle arms overhead and back to the ground x 5.
No.3 - Lower back (quadratus lumborum & erectors)
Compression - from supine with knees bent, place 2 x balls above the back of the hips either side of the spine, gently press down with an inhale and release on the exhale x 5 breaths.
Sheer - slowly lift and lower one knee at a time towards your chest x 5.
Roll & cross fibre - roll up and down the lower spine below the ribs.
No.4 - Glutes (gluteus maximus & piriformis)
Compression - from supine with knees bent, place 2 x balls in the centre of each buttock muscle, gently press down with an inhale and release on the exhale x 5 breaths.
Sheer - slowly lift and lower one knee at a time towards your chest x 5. Place your right foot on your left knee and lower and lift your right knee.
Roll & cross fibre - roll around the whole buttocks area.
No.5 - Hips (gluteus medius)
Compression - from side lying up on your forearm, stack 2 x balls behind your frontal hip bone on your outer hip, gently press down with an inhale and release on the exhale x 5 breaths.
Sheer - slowly lift and lower your leg x 5.
Roll & cross fibre - roll up and down on your outer hip.
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Ruth Delahunty Yogaru