
Siddhasana - Accomplished Pose



From a seated position, legs straight, place your right hand under your right buttocks and draw the flesh out to the side, repeat with your left buttocks, sit up tall onto your sit bones.

Bend your right leg, place your foot to the ground in front of your pubic bone, top of the foot on the mat, sole of the foot facing up. Place your left foot in front of your right foot so that the feet are lined in front of each other. Lengthen through your inner thighs.

Place your hand on your lower thighs, lengthen up through your spine to the tip of your crown.

Broaden through the collarbones, gaze forward.

Sukhasana - Easy Pose



From a seated position, legs straight, place your right hand under your right buttocks and draw the flesh out to the side, repeat with your left buttocks, sit up tall onto your sit bones.

Cross your legs at the shins and stack your feet under your knees, flex your feet. With both hands hold your right upper thigh and gently roll the flesh outwards, repeat with your left thigh.

Place your hand on your lower thighs, lengthen up through your spine to the tip of your crown.

Broaden through the collarbones, gaze forward.

Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle

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From Dandasana, bend your knees out to the sides, bring the soles of the feet together and place your feet close to your sit bones.

Hold onto the outer edge of your feet, release your legs out to the sides, press the soles of your feet together. Stretch your knees away and down towards the ground, hug your outer hips to the midline.

Inhale, press down into your sit bones to lengthen up through your spine. Use your thumbs to open the soles of your feet out like a book, lengthen your inner thighs out to your knee creases, gaze forward.

Balasana - Child’s Pose



From Adho Mukha Svanasana, bring your knees down to the ground mat distance, toes touching. Press your hips towards your feet and reach your arms towards your feet, back of the hands on the ground.

Extend your sit bones back towards your feet and reach the top of your crown forward, rest your forehead on the ground. Let the shoulder blades spread and the upper back broaden. For a stronger stretch reach your arms forward, lengthen from the base of your spine to your fingertips, gaze down.