
Anahatasana - Heart Chakra Pose



From all fours, hips stacked over knees, shoulders stacked over wrists.

Walk your hands forward and lower your chest towards the ground, rest your forehead on the ground, hips stay stacked over knees. Hug your outer hips to the midline.

Stretch your arms forward, reach your hips back, press your hands into the ground with elbows lifted, reach the chest towards the ground, gaze down.

Ardha Uttanasana - Half Forward Fold

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From Uttanasana, inhale, lift up halfway, fingertips just below your knees or to the ground.

Lengthen through your spine to the tip of your crown, extend your sternum forward and up, back of the neck long.

Broaden through the collarbones, firm your shoulder blades onto your back, lift with the whole back.

Press into your heels to firm your legs, gaze down.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana - Dolphin

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From kneeling, place your forearms parallel on the ground, shoulder width apart. Root down through your forearms and lengthen up to your shoulders, broaden through the collarbones.

Gaze between your forearms, lift your knees up and walk your feet in towards your arms. Lift your sit bones up, roll your inner thighs back.

Press down into your feet and firm your legs, back of the neck long, gaze forward.

Ardha Chandra Chapasana - Half Moon Sugarcane

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From Ardha Chandrasana, bend your left knee, reach your left hand back to hold the outside of your left foot. Press your hand into your foot and your foot into your hand. Reach your left knee up, broaden through the collarbones, press down through the three points of your right foot.

Arch through your whole spine, gently draw your navel towards your spine, lengthen your neck and softly reach your head back, gaze down or up.

Natarajasana - Lord of the Dance



From Tadasana, hands on hips, inhale, pour your weight into your left foot, bend your right leg back and lift your heel up towards your right buttocks.

Reach your right hand back and hold onto the outside of your right foot, lift your right foot up and back, press your foot into your hand and your hand against your foot, hips level and squared forward, right knee in line with right hip.

Extend your sternum forward and up, broaden through the collarbones, shoulders level.

Reach your left arm up high, press your thumb and forefinger together, gaze to the fingers of your left hand.